90 Day Principal Action Plan

Holiday Recharge: Disconnect to Reconnect

christmas blog Dec 19, 2024
School Principal, Christmas Blog


The holiday break is here—a chance to step away from the school chaos and reconnect with what matters most. It’s not about doing more; it’s about being intentional with your time and energy. Here’s how you can make the most of this break:

1. Disconnect to Reconnect
Take a break from your email, texts, and work-related tasks. Set an out-of-office reply and stick to it. Spend this time reconnecting with your family, your hobbies, and yourself. Reclaim your energy by stepping fully into the present without distractions.

2. Embrace the Quiet
Soak in the stillness. Whether it’s savoring your morning coffee in peace, walking outside, or sitting by a fire, allow yourself time to simply be. The quiet moments can be a powerful reset.

3. Set Clear Boundaries
Turn off your email notifications and step away from work. Create clear times when you’re completely “off.” Your team, your students, and your inbox can wait—this is your time to recharge.

4. Do Something Just for You
Read a novel, bake cookies, pick up a hobby you’ve been putting off, or binge-watch your favorite show. Do something that fills your cup, no strings attached.

5. Reflect Without Fixing
If your mind wanders to work, let it. Jot down thoughts about what went well this year and what could improve, but leave solutions for January. Reflection is enough for now.

6. Move Your Body
Stretch, walk, or try a quick workout. Movement doesn’t have to be intense to make you feel better—it’s about staying active in a way that feels good.

Disconnect from the noise and reconnect with yourself, your family, and the things that bring you joy. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equipped to lead when the new year begins.

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